Buying Tips for Chalcedony

The chalcedony group of gem varieties offers the consumer an opportunity to "have his cake and eat it too". These stones, although lovely, are so plentiful that many are priced at a figure less than synthetic substitutes for other gemstones. In chalcedony, we see an excellent example of missed opportunities for jewelry sales. One of America's fastest growing hobbies is collecting gem materials suitable for cabochon cutting. The great demand for chalcedony for such purposes is proof of the beauty that people see in it. It is so inexpensive when cut abroad that retailer could obtain a large number of stones at a very low price to feature in window displays and call attention to its attractiveness for use in cufflinks, tie clasps and also many items of inexpensive jewelry for women.

Because of the great quantities of chalcedony that are available, the jeweler should be particular in choosing specimens for stock. It is frequently possible to purchase good quality for just a few cents more than poor quality. Since the finer grades are much more attractive and thus more saleable, it is wise to spend the additional few cents to obtain stones that will "move".

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